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Message Icon Topic: puis de dessiner en parallle les collections Jil S Post Reply Post New Topic
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Quote tn8bto4gl Replybullet Topic: puis de dessiner en parallle les collections Jil S
    Posted: May 04 2013 at 9:05am

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Quote 9egad706 Replybullet Posted: May 04 2013 at 7:30pm
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Zhao Hongxia, the woman who brought down 11 officials and company executives in a sex tape scandal in Chongqing City, could be sentenced to at least 15 years if convicted of extortion, the whitleblower of the case told Chinese media Thursday, quoting unidentified sources from the police department of Chongqing Municipality.
Zhao Hongxia appeared in the sex video leaked online by whitleblow Zhu Ruifeng in November last year. After microbloggers circulated the videos on the Internet, 11 senior officials in local government departments or state-owned enterprises were sacked.
The woman was alleged to be a member of a criminal ring involved in extorting 5 million yuan (US$811,135) from two government officials.

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