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Quote vaft8w66 Replybullet Posted: May 23 2013 at 11:22pm
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Quote hhf8o3hc8xk Replybullet Posted: May 24 2013 at 10:10pm
s what.Reeves told MTV that he d love to reprise the role of Ted that he played in Bill Ted s Excellent Adventure in 1989 and Bill Ted s Bogus Journey in 1991 and that the movies original screenwriters, Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, were interested in giving another script a go.If the movie were released in 2014 it would coincide with the 25th anniversary of the original movie as well as the 50th anniversary of Reeves birth, which he finds fitting.You can see the video of Reeves chatting with MTV here. Note how very un-sad he is at the notion of the movie. He even seems downright jolly! (via the Guardian)Fourteen thousand people think Keanu Reeves might be depressed. And with reason the man hasn't had a hit movie in years, and his entire acting career can be summed up in one word: Whoa. So when a paparazzi photo surfaced on the Internet featuring an unshaven, mopey Reeves eating a sandwich on a park bench, fans started to worry. Was he sad? Lonely? Bored? Was something actually wrong, or was he just tired? The Internet, as tends to happen, became very concerned. Did I say concerned? I meant obsessed. The park-bench photo spread everywhere: on gossip sites, on message boards it even got its own Tumblr blog. People left more than 200,000 comments on the website Web illustrators Photoshopped Reeves into other sad settings: next to Forrest Gump, surrounded by cats, on the Lost island, in a Lady Gaga video,buy tommy hilfiger online, even next to Stalin and Churchill. Nothing they did seemed to make the actor happy. But maybe this will: Tuesday, June 15, is Cheer Up Keanu Day. (See "Keanu Reeves: The Man Who Isn't There.")"I'm sure he's doing fine," says Daniel Murphy,tommy hilfiger fashion, 21, who created the Cheer Up Keanu Facebook page to advertise the new holiday. "I don't really think he's that sad; I just think his work is underappreciated." Murphy and some of the 14,000-plus people who joined the Facebook group believe that Reeves' acting is overlooked because of his airhead-surfer stereotype. "His depiction of Hamlet was probably one of the best American versions, but everyone still thinks of him as Ted,t-Shirts tommy hilfiger," Murphy says, referring to Reeves' role in the 1989 movie Bill Ted's Excellent Adventure. That film grossed $40 million at the box office and includes one of the best nuggets of stoner philosophy ever uttered: "Be excellent to each other." (See the top 10 disappointing box-office blockbusters.)But unlike other celebrity-related Internet fads Chuck Norris facts, Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber, Rickrolling Cheer Up Keanu Day seems to be based on sincerity and affection. "At first I thought this was a joke," writes Marlon McAllister on the Facebook page, "but then I did some research, and he's actually a really supremely nice person ... let's show Keanu some love!" Fans have offered to give money to cancer research, donate bone marrow or organize charity walks in the actor's name (Reeves' sister has been diagnosed with leukemia, hence the interest in cancer charities). This is the most surprising aspect of the meme. While the Internet is most commonly used to mock celebrities, Cheer Up Keanu-ites just want to show the star how much they care. On message-board discussions of the park-bench photo, there is almost no mention of Reeves' good looks or failed Matrix sequels. Even his role in the cult classic Point Break is largely ignored. Instead, people fret over Reeves' strained relationship with his father and the fact that in 2001 his girlfriend died in a car accident. They swap stories about him Reeves offered a ride to a hitchhiker! He bought Harleys for a movie's special-effects crew! He treated strangers to breakfast! that, even if only half-true, demonstrate some sort of untapped fondness for an actor of otherwise negligible importance. " His personality has made me love his movies," writes an anonymous commenter on "I don't care how great they are. I love to see him because he makes me happy." In other words, it's pretty hard to hate on Reeves. (See pictures of Facebook's headquarters.)And while Reeves seems to be experiencing a miRelated articles:

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Quote diz4gujnjg Replybullet Posted: May 26 2013 at 6:43am
s'arrêter là ! Peut-être n'est-elle pas blanche comme neige mais le fait de vivre avec un narco-trafiquant qui fait dans le rapt ne fait pas de vous nécéssairement un complice et puis n'oublions pas qu'elle a quand même passé 7 ans en prison,chemise Burberry, c'est pas rien. Le problème vient des failles la justice et surtout des médias Mexicains qui ont voulus faire du sentationnel, le fait de bidonner l'arrestation a jeté le doute sur tout le reste... Moralité: si vous êtes coupable, priez pour que votre arrestation fasse l'objet d'un montage médiatique. Arrestation orchestrée=amnistie. Je trouve que nous devrions être plus discrets pour quelqu'un qui a été libérée pour vice de procédure mais en aucun cas innocentée. Peut être est elle innocente, mais seul un autre procès pourrait le dire. En attendant ce jour (hypothétique), cet accueil digne de celui qu'on ferait à un héros national a quelque chose d'indécent... J'avoue que je ne comprends pas la médiatisation autour de cette affaire ni l'intervention des politiques. Le tapis rouge et Laurent Fabius à l'aéroport, c'est vraiment exagéré et ridicule ! Tout cela c'est très bien,burberry pas cher, mais M. Fabius ni est pour rien dans cette affaire il ferait mieux de gérer la guerre au Mali pas comme l'affaire du sang contaminé !!! Bienvenue à Elle.Et tous le mépris possible pour l'auteur de cette photo de "Fabius". Le vieil énarque bourgeois ne se fût-il déplacé que pour cela. Ce n'est plus de la lèche cette photo du sauveur d'otage du sud de l'amérique du nord, c'est au-delà même de la soumission servile à la monarchie, c'est de la complicité au pays de l'entre-soi panaméen. Oui, où coule la Seine. @ Oce. L'abandon des charges et la libération ne prouvent rien, ni dans un sens,Burberry Homme, ni dans l'autre. Seul un acquittement prouve l'innocence. D'après la conférence de presse achevée à 15h: "La Cour suprême a délibéré hier une liberté absolue et immédiate" et "abandon des charges". Les charges reposant sur des faux témoignages qui ont été démontés.   Etudiante et tête de réseau Cette semaine Info Campus reçoit une étudiante qui a crée un site internet pour mettre en relation les étudiants qui ont un réseau, et ceux qui n'en ont pas. le08 Mai 2013dansInfo campuspar Raphaël Ebenstein et Sandrine Chesnel Abdelaziz Bouteflika en repos après son AVC: l Algérie sans président jusqu à son retour En Algérie, la Présidence a annoncé hier que la santé du chef de l'Etat Abdelaziz Bouteflika s'était "nettement améliorée" et qu'il a besoin d'une période de repos. le08 Mai 2013dansUn monde d infopar Rédaction de France Info Nature, avec un peu de Chantilly ou un peu de sucre... la fraise ! C'est l'un des fruits préférés des enfants... mais aussi de nombreux adultes ! Tout Comprendre sur les fraises avec Frédéric Karpyta, Journaliste au magazine Ça m'intéresse. le08 Mai 2013dansTout comprendrepar Pascal Le Guern Grandes vacances : partir coûte que coûte Comment les Français préparent-ils leurs vacances d'été dans un con
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Quote skdjflzj Replybullet Posted: May 28 2013 at 9:30am
In nominal terms They believe that once Cameron has actually delivered his speech.
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Quote hfxvzsvm Replybullet Posted: May 28 2013 at 7:04pm
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Quote cheap80toms2 Replybullet Posted: May 30 2013 at 3:43am
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Quote hjfg7i9l0w Replybullet Posted: May 31 2013 at 7:25am
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