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Quote cyylrpj1p Replybullet Topic: . Je rpondrai sur le ton humoristique
    Posted: Apr 15 2013 at 6:00am

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Quote thjyre Replybullet Posted: Apr 21 2013 at 9:24pm
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Quote thjyre Replybullet Posted: May 16 2013 at 2:43pm
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Quote mdmeu31mcc Replybullet Posted: May 17 2013 at 2:37am
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Quote p99khqfi Replybullet Posted: May 17 2013 at 9:06am
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WASHINGTON, May 13 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday called for greater efforts to end the protracted conflict in Syria, stressing that "there is no more urgent international task than this."
At a joint press conference with U.S. President Barack Obama following their talks at the White House, Cameron said that they both welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin's commitment to push jointly for a political solution to the 27-month conflict in the Middle East country.
"We need to get Syrians to the table to agree a transitional government that can win the consent of all of the Syrian people," he added.

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Quote trrjfiitqs Replybullet Posted: May 17 2013 at 8:00pm
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Quote gcfnow49hu Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 12:11am
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Quote mpiwtq147r Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 12:14pm
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Quote dmt8deag7a Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 4:44pm
etween a gilly suit and a billy suit.  I thought for sure it was just Rob Schneider working on a sequel...oh, that's right, Rob didn't have a goatee. Here's a tip for Mr. Douglass.  In this country,tommy hilfiger plus size, under our system of laws based on the concept of individual liberty, the default position for -every- activity, even ones you don't like or understand, is "legal."It takes positive action to criminalize conduct that doesn't directly harm others, and that only after a reasonable justification is presented by those proposing the restriction as to why it is necessary.  In a perfect world we'd also demand solid evidence or even a logical basis to think it might actually work to address the apparent problem as well.  No more "sending a (futile) message" laws.Leave the idiot alone for now and cite him for not wearing proper orange once hunting season starts (assuming that's part of the game regs) if he keeps it up.Damn busybodies.No one tried to do anything to this guy or force him to stop dressing up like a goat. It was Goat Boy who called Douglas, not the other way around. Douglas actually says it's not illegal to dress up as a goat, but explained that the Goat Boy may not understand how dangerous it could be.  I understand no one did anything.  My point was Douglass's comment of "well, it isn't strictly illegal" which hints at a presumption that whatever is not expressly permitted is forbidden.   Which is backwards thinking in this country.The proper mindset for freedom is that which is not expressly forbidden is allowed.  You should never think in terms of "is what I want to do legal?" but rather "has it been made illegal and if so, does that make sense?"The default mindset of truly free people is liberty, not restriction.  That was my philosophical point. Ad hominem...YOU actually have to have a logical argument in the first place to request one in return, even if you're too naive to understand the counterpoint. But then again...Maybe your senseless posts defending this nut is a result of your attraction towards men in costume?  Just a guess... Beautiful ad hominem, textbook even.  Usually the last refuge of folks without a valid, on-point argument, but you went straight to it.  Well-played sir or ma'am.There's really no point in continuing after that decisive blow is there? Rational?  Stealing from a grocery store to feed your children is rational to some.  Legal?  Sure, but so was slavery at one point.  Harmless?  If you're not a goat at the receiving end of a bullet in the head.'re simply an average numskull.  I hope your balls are as empty as this guy's head!Someone does something you don't understand or approve of, that is absolutely harmless, legal,tommy hilfiger stores, and, in this case,tommy hilfiger e shop, has a rational purpose (testing camoflage for future use in hunting) and your first response is "we need more laws to ban it!"I'm glad you stopped the irrational (given the hunting context of the situation) "but,tommy hilfiger outlet canada, but, what if?" fear chain at "down my street" and didn't go all-in with a "for the children." I have to agree with Susan.  A guy who climbs on all four, up a mountain, in the wild, and in a goat suite must have severe psychological problems.  If this guy walked into a bank, a store, down my neighborhood street...I'd have a frickin problem!  The guys a loon...but so are most hunters! Stop fretting about liberty and rights and freedoms all the conservative B.S. people are spouting about these days.  Considering the number of uneducated nincompoops in the US today, we NEED all the laws we can come up with.  Funny, you just said he was not wearing orange, which is against the Law for Hunters, yet you reference our Laws in saying we should leave him alone???  And if he is hunting and it is not hunting season, he should be arrested.As to hurting others, if another hunter mistakes him for a goat due to him being illegally dressed, and shoots him and he dies, that hunter has to live with that for the rest of his life.  That has an impact on someone else for sure. Perhaps you should read the article again.Related articles:

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Quote zewioocsi Replybullet Posted: May 19 2013 at 9:10am
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