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Quote c539udafxy Replybullet Posted: May 22 2013 at 10:17am
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Quote xhpcwtr3l Replybullet Posted: May 22 2013 at 6:00pm
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Quote sykdjdlwb Replybullet Posted: May 23 2013 at 4:44am
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Quote hfneelitfp Replybullet Posted: May 23 2013 at 9:50am
you are the one responsible for your current circumstances
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Quote tmhglzpwu Replybullet Posted: May 23 2013 at 10:06pm
aking. Bucharest became one of the roughest cities in Europe during the war in Yugoslavia and the mob built up an amazing network in the aftermath. No matter what you oakley sunglasses want, you just need to know the right person. These are some pictures of the kids I met during my stay in Bucharest and also a very sad letter that was sent to me by a girl whose owners wouldn t let me take her picture. The above girl is Cezara. She s 15 years old and the person who inspired this story. She comes from an extremely poor family. Her oakley sunglasses sale father was an alcoholic farmer who loved gambling. When she was seven years old, he racked up a big gambling debt and at her mother s suggestion, they decided to give Cezara as a gift to the mafia guy who owned the illegal gambling place. I hated cheap real oakley sunglasses my parents for doing that but I got over it, Cezara says. I don t agree with their decision but I don t blame them for it. I understand the situation. I don t remember much about them anyway. Some of my owners take good care of me. They buy me clothes and food and I have a place to sleep at night. I don t need much more to live.   Since her parents gave her away to settle a debt, Cezara has been passing from one hand to another. She s had cheap oakley sunglasses five owners in the last eight years. Some owners pimped her and others took her home for their private pleasures. Right now she belongs to a big pimp and works on the streets 24 hours a day. The tattoos on her arms and chest are the names of her previous owners. Cezara was not styled at all for this picture That s how she walks around town.    Steffi, above, is eight years old. I met her while wandering in Bucharest s gypsy camp. Steffi approached me and took me to her family s trailer. Her parents were there and everybody was friendly to me, even though they lived in extreme misery. Gypsies in Romania, as in other parts of the world, are total outsiders. They don t have social security, jobs, or anything. But gypsies don t want to belong to the white society either. They have their own rules in the camp. For cheap oakley sunglasses sale example, if a girl is getting married she must be a virgin. The oldest woman of the family will violently insert a napkin inside her and if she bleeds, it means she s a virgin. If she doesn t bleed, they ll cancel the wedding and the girl will be marked with a knife wound on her face. This is why anal sex is such a common practice within the gypsy community. I asked the father if I could take some pictures of Steffi and he said, Yeah. I gave them the Polaroids afterwards and they were super-happy. When I was leaving, the father took me into a corner and started trying to sell me his daughter for around 10.000 euros.    Craita, above, is 12 years old. She s more of a freelancer and doesn t have an owner yet. The harsh thing is that she is actually looking for one. A lot of these girls see prostitution as a quick way out of the misery of living in post-communist, hyper-capitalist Bucharest. Craita saw me in the street walking with a camera and some light
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Quote mtparujjgix Replybullet Posted: May 25 2013 at 3:02pm
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Quote xc29ei5zdk Replybullet Posted: May 26 2013 at 3:37am
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The choice of books for children is an important and fundamental one. However on the face of intense criticism from the opposition and the Kirana shop owners permitting FDI in Multi Brand Retail Trading upto 51% has been put on hold which was decided on 24th November 2011.
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Dr. It i . By day she's a big fan of timeless classics tailored white shirts, perfectly cut jeans and fitted blazers. But I was allergic to just about anything sold in the mass marketplace. Weird question i know but, why is it that when i have my sunglasses on(don't ask) while i'm looking at an lcd monitor, and tilt my head to the side,, the monitor goes near black,, to the point that i can even see dirt that's on the monitor being lit up by the monitor,, but the monitor itself is nearly black.(i love runon sentences) They surely do not filter any other visible light like this.
If you nonetheless want to use the laser you have,, you will probably be able to burn a hole in a pingpong ball with a cdrw or dvdrw laser. yeah . If you are searching for sunglasses to wear on your honeymoon or about the beach or for your wedding. Answeroliver peoples victory 55 with cognac lenses, not rose or rosewood they are cognac lenses if you were told different and bought the rosewood you got played and im sorry they were made specifically for the show and they did not make that many i got lucky but they were $487 so good luck
WileyX goggles also come with two interchangeable lenses, a gray lens for daytime and a clear lens for night. The protein in cheeseburgers is fine but they tend to be fatty, and most people couple fries and cokes with their burgers. A pair of clip on sunglasses can help them see things clearly and protect their eyes from strong sunlight and UV radiation at the same time.
I can only say: I wish her well, and maybe new friendships will be her reward for extending herself out of her comfort zone. For example, gray lens tints dont distort color and reduce brightness whereas brown and amber tints are preferred when reduction in glare is expected.
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Quote xbpiqgkq57 Replybullet Posted: May 26 2013 at 6:25am
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