I glanced Qin Xuan, What do you mean?
Qin Xuan leaning on one side, with a sigh, I thought you should know.
Can not be right, where are you talking, can not tell what ah.
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Really talented.
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In accordance with the guidelines of less Chen, we walked some distance, turns, and just want to continue to walk the day Wu Meng brake operation, who his mother car blocking this does not step aside. Then, our car stopped . Stopped after careful observation of the observation we are facing, blocked off the path the bike overbearing.
Several of us against the car, some frustration. Qin Xuan, and I looked at each other, we all understand.
Stop and the reason is because of the turning road barely two cars, but there is an overbearing cars, cross in the middle of the road, so, have in the past not to go. Turning, no way to move forward, only to the back. The overbearing head towards us, inside lights still lit, and there has been no flameout saw our car stopped, overbearing lights open. The man in our.
Xiaoqian sitting in the driving position. Co-pilot's position on Tiger. It seems two people waiting for us for a long time.
So facing.
Day Wu Diao cigarette Tiger directed we beckons.
How to do.
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