On the other hand, concerns remain relating to a stronger or more protracted negative feedback loop between the real economy and the turmoil in financial markets, further increases in oil and other commodity prices, the intensification of protectionist pressures, increasingly unfavorable labor markets, http://www.cheaptomsshoessalei.com - toms shoes , and adverse developments in the world economy stemming from a disorderly correction of global imbalances. NO RISK OF DEFLATION The ECB usually meets in Frankfurt, Germany but has two meetings a year in capitals of other eurozone countries. This month's meeting was held amid increasing fears of deflation in the eurozone after preliminary figures from Eurostat showed that the zone's annual inflation dropped into negative territory for the first time on record in June, standing at minus 0.1 percent. Trichet said this development reflects primarily base effects resulting from past sharp swings in global commodity prices, warning that further decline in annual rates of inflation was anticipated. But the ECB chief downplayed the risk of deflation in the eurozone, insisting the negative inflation rate would be temporary. Owing to these base effects, annual inflation rates are projected to remain temporarily in negative territory over the coming months, before turning positive again. Such short-term movements are not relevant from a monetary policy perspective, he said. Trichet said eurozone inflation is expected to remain in positive territory in the medium and long term, while price and cost developments are expected to remain dampened in wake of the ongoing sluggish demand in the eurozone and elsewhere. Indicators of inflation expectations over the medium to longer term remain firmly anchored in line with the governing council's aim of keeping inflation rates below, but close to, 2 percent over the medium term, he said, adding that risks to the outlook for inflation are broadly balanced. TEHRAN, June 30 Xinhua -- Iran's Guardian Council said on Tuesday that the presidential election case is over, http://www.geoide.ulaval.ca/toms.aspx - toms shoes , local satellite Press TV reported. What relates to election is over. The Guardian Council , http://www.cheaptomsshoessalei.com - toms outlet ... has the last say over the election case, spokesman for the top legislative body of the country Abbas Ali Kadkhodai told Press TV after a press conference. Iran's Guardian Council, which had been charged with supervising elections in the country, approved the results of the June 12 presidential election on Monday. The announcement came after the Guardian Council ran a recount of 10 percent of the votes on Monday. The council's announcement confirmed that incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been re-elected for a second term. On June 13, the Iranian Interior Minister said Ahmadinejad won 62.63 percent of the total ballots, while his main rival Mir- Hossein Mousavi got 33.75 percent. The other two candidates -- former Parliament Speaker Mehdi Karroubi and former Revolutionary Guards chief Mohsen Rezaei -- got less than 2 percent of the total ballots. After the official declaration, all the three defeated candidates filed coRelated articles:
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