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toms sale including demands by many southerners f

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Topic: toms sale including demands by many southerners f
Posted By: cvfweuwsd
Subject: toms sale including demands by many southerners f
Date Posted: Apr 28 2013 at 3:44pm
Saleh immunity from prosecution in return for relinquishing power and elevated his then-vice president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi as his successor. Hadi was confirmed as president in a one-candidate election in Feb. 2012. Since taking over, Hadi has worked on several fronts, shaking-up a divided military, pushing many of Saleh's relatives and loyalists from senior positions and leading a U.S.-backed campaign against al-Qaida militants. The national dialogue aims to bring Yemen's rival forces together to seek consensus over the country's thorniest issues, including demands by many southerners for independence, - toms sale , the role of Islamic law, and how to address terrorism and poverty. Yemen is the Arab world's poorest nation. In his opening remarks, Hadi told the 500 participants that after the uprising, the new Yemen must no longer be ruled by "one family, tribe, region, or sect." Instead, he said, "justice and equality must prevail." "Over the past decades, we have failed because of our inability to reach a wise political governing system ... the tribe and the family were in control," he said. During Saleh's rule, his family dominated most positions of power and wealth, and he appointed his sons, relatives and clan members to key government, military and security positions. The question of unity poses the most pressing questions in Yemen today. For decades the country has been torn by wars, particularly with the south, which was once independent and still has a powerful secessionist movement. "The centralized state and unity have both failed," Yassin Noaman, an adviser to the president, told The Associated Press. "Through dialogue, we have to reach a consensus on the new political system which gets Yemenis together, not tear them apart." "The title of this new system is: sharing wealth and power, social justice, citizenship rights, and equality," he said. "Separation is not the solution and insisting on centralization is not a solution, - toms outlet ." Under a proposal backed by Hadi, Yemen would be divided into six regions, each with its own parliament, court and police forces, under a central government with separate powers. The south's main city, - toms shoes coupon , Aden, one of the world's most strategically important ports, in the Gulf of Aden near the mouth of the Red Sea, will be a region in its own, officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. The proposal aims to address complaints that centralization concentrated wealth in the capital, Sanaa, and marginalized other regions, particularly the south, fueling its separatist movement. Southerners are divided over the dialogue. Some of boycotted the gathering, saying they won't negotiate with the government until it recognizes the right of the south to declare independence. Other joined but gave no indication that they are willing to give up their dream of independence. "Our demand is to return to the State of the South," said Mohammed Ali Ahmed, one of the key southern leaders who joined the meeting. "The north will be always ruling through the t Related articles:
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